The Best Shopify Communities and Forums Online

Leila Kacem
6 min readSep 9, 2021


When it comes to learning about internet marketing, ecommerce and shopify, you need to look at nowhere else but forums and communities online. Actually, most of the novice shopify entrepreneurs just need right information about how to start a shopify store online. But due to lack of information, most of the novice players have to face failure in ecommerce world.

Having seen this problem of contemporary entrepreneurs online, there are various real shopify gurus or experts who run forums and facebook communities to help new shopify players. There are different types of forums and facebook groups online that can be joined to get in touch with people of same interest.

Obviously, joining a forum or facebook group devoted to shopify can help you contacting people who are devoted to this business model. There are various benefits of joining such a facebook group or forum online.

Here, you are going to know about top 6 forums and groups on facebook devoted to shopify.

What Are the Advantages of Joining a Shopify Forum or Facebook Group?

Before joining a group on Facebook or third-party shopify forum, you would like to know its benefits. It’s a fact that you won’t like to be a part of a group or forum that may not help you making your shopify business a success.

So, before joining a shopify forum or group online, you would first like to know its benefits.

Let’s check out how joining a shopify forum or Facebook group can benefit you.

Since running a shopify store requires lots of work such as maintenance, managing, updating features and deciding pricing for products, many new shopify owners find it a tough task to accomplish. They either need to learn coding and other technical stuff themselves or hire a professional.

Hiring a professional can be an expensive choice to go with especially if you are a shopify beginner. So, you need to join a Facebook group or shopify forum. Here, you can get your basic technical issues resolved. You can easily ask novice questions that can easily be answered by one of the members of group or forum.

Another key benefit of joining a shopify group or forum is that it can help you getting in touch with people who are into shopify business. You need to spend time with a community, which is busy in developing ideas about shopify store growth. Keeping in touch with people who are also interested in making their shopify store a success can help you gathering valuable information for your own business.

Learn from the mistakes of others. Since you are new to shopify business model, you are supposed to make several common mistakes — from starting a store to running ads. So, if you want to avoid making such silly mistakes, you need to learn from the mistakes of other shopify store owners. Most of the shopify entrepreneurs share their business journey, experiences, failures, and success to help novice shopify players to avoid making the same mistakes.

Joining a shopify Facebook group or shopify forum/community can help you connecting with experienced shopify store owners, shopify developers and shopify experts.

What Are the Top 6 Shopify Facebook Groups and Forums Online?

Having gone through above mentioned benefits of joining a shopify forum or facebook group, now you would like to join such a group. But the actual problem comes when you get confused on witnessing thousands of facebook groups and forums online. You may get confused about recognizing a genuine shopify group or forum online.

Do you want to eliminate this confusion?

You need to check out stated below top 6 shopify forums and facebook groups online.

1 — Scrowp Shopify forum — An Innovative Shopify Forum

If you are looking for real and tested information about shopify business model, you need to join Scrowp Forum. It’s the most active 3rd party shopify forum online.

The best part of this shopify forum online is that it allows shopify merchants to create an account for free with professional support. If you are looking for a shopify forum that can guide you about how to go through small to medium level of technical problems, you need to join Scrowp shopify forum online.

If you are looking for a premium shopify theme, you must unveil features of Scrowp theme. If you have already selected Scrowp theme for your shopify store, you need to join Scrowp forum to grab free information about how to reduce technical maintenance cost, development expenses and other unnecessary administration charges.

2 — Join Official Shopify Forum

Shopify also runs its official forum to help entrepreneurs learning how to reduce cost and increase sales. There are up to 850,000 active members who are always ready to help each other.

Obviously, official shopify forum is the best place for shopify merchants who want to build a community of people with same interest and objectives in mind. Moreover, the key benefit of joining the official shopify group is that you can grab help from shopify staff, customer support, technical team, and community experts.

There are lots of threads that discuss various beginner to expert-level problems or issues of shopify merchants. Moreover, joining this forum is free.

3 — Facebook Group — eCom Dropshipping for Entrepreneurs

However, there are thousands of ecommerce groups on Facebook, but ecom dropshipping for entrepreneurs is certainly one of the best. This group on Facebook is devoted to people who are enjoying success in dropshipping business.

If you want to learn how to make your dropshipping business a success, you must join this group on Facebook. You can learn here about ecom strategies, business planning, marketing, advertising, tricks and tips on how to run a business online.

Earnest Epps is the admin of this group. The main motto behind starting this facebook group is to help people learning how to derive high ticket business for a dropshipping store.

Here, you need to remember that Earnest Epps is the CEO of renowned HIGH TICKET ECOM SECRETS. There are up to 128k members in this dropshipping forum online.

If you are looking for adequate guidance on how to achieve success running a business online or ecommerce store, you should join this group on Facebook.

4 — Shopify Geeks

Shopify Geeks is a Facebook group devoted to shopify merchants. Marouane RHAFLI who is the former CEO of Plak Theme LLC & current C.E.O of Scrowp started this group on facebook. It’s considered among the best shopify groups on Facebook.

With the help of Yunior Hernandez and Kristin Uptain one of the most known figures of ReddePayments, CEO of Plak Theme is successfully running this important group on Facebook. There are various benefits of joining this Facebook group — from availing latest information about choosing the best premium shopify theme to how to resolving small technical issues related to shopify themes.

Here, one point should be noted that Shopify Geeks is a Shopify group with only few members. The key reason behind it is that admin and moderators of the group don’t want to add spammers to group. That’s why only serious and active individuals are being added to this hell-active shopify group on Facebook.

5 — Ecom Masters Club

If you know about ecom master Ernest Epps, you would surely like to join his private facebook group called Ecom Masters Club. Being a high ticket master, Ernest Epps offers valuable insights, case studies and ecommerce success strategies to the members of his private group.

The main objective behind creating this private ecommerce group on Facebook is to help individuals who want to start a new business or scale an existing ecommerce business online. You can join ecommerce training and courses on this facebook group.

If you are searching for opportunities to enjoy high tickets sales on the internet, you need to be a part of this private shopify group on Facebook.

6 — Shopify for Beginners

Most of the new players in the world of shopify get confused about how to start a shopify store or site with least budget. Actually, they don’t know how to manage things between expenses and revenues. This is the main reason why Shopify for Beginners comes as the best solution to those people.

Dan Barett, who runs multiple businesses online, created this group for ecom beginners. Group admin, Dan Barett always tries to add active and real people to this group. That’s why he keeps removing spammers from this facebook group.

Apart from Shopify for Beginners facebook group, Dan Barett also owns a private group on Facebook for teaching his SEO students and renowned eCom SEO Academy.

With 27k members, this shopify group on facebook concentrate on helping novice entrepreneurs learning how to start a shopify store.

How to Recognize Flashy Shopify Groups and Forums Online

· A flashy shopify group on Facebook always promote things not related to shopify or ecommerce.

· Admin of a group may accept money for posting unnecessary courses, products and things on the group.

· If you notice that a shopify forum is occupied with people who are just asking basic questions repeatedly, you should understand there is nothing to learn new.

· A flashy shopify forum or group doesn’t offer latest information about shopify business model.

· When you notice that members of a shopify group or forums only discuss blackhat shopify SEO, illegal tricks and wrong earning methods, you need to leave it as soon as possible.



Leila Kacem
Leila Kacem

Written by Leila Kacem

6 figures Shopify store owner

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